Friday, August 7, 2015

Early MamaBear Creations

Early MamaBear Creations - From the Humblest of Beginnings...

For those of you who have only recently discovered my store it might be interesting to you to know that I have been sewing cloth diapers since 2006! Although most of my early creations were experiments, particularly with wool, while I attempted to find what worked best for my family and learn more about cloth diapering, I had GREAT help and support from the get-go!

Mostly I was just looking through some of my older pictures and marveling at how my small dining-room-table company has come so far! 

What started as a hobby and way to share my passion for attachment parenting and sustainable diapering has grown to support my family and homeschool through tremendous and unforeseeable life changes including the death of my husband, moving away from our farm and family home, and a complete shift in career and life focus!

In 2013 I almost completely shuttered my private mental health practice to focus more exclusively on homeschooling my growing children and growing my business. 

While I miss working in the community at times, it is a journey that has brought us incredible freedom and amazing time together as a family. 

So to thank you all for your support, your choice to cloth diaper, and your warmth and compassion!

And to honor MamaBear's humble beginnings (as well as to, admittedly, brag a bit on my beautiful early model who is now almost 9 years old!!) I thought I'd share some early photos. :o)

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